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Konstantin V. Bykov, Nadezhda M. Lazareva, Viktor M. Yarov

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-3-46-57

Key words

inverter with a sinusoidal output voltage; simulation of a nonlinear transformer in Simulink Matlab; magnetization curve; hysteresis loop; smooth start.


The article deals with the modes of switching on an inverter with a sinusoidal output voltage when working with a nonlinear transformer. The study is implemented by simulation modeling in Simulink Matlab. Simulation is carried out using the SPS model of a nonlinear transformer with various core magnetization curves. It is shown that a soft start of the inverter, performed by a gradual increase in the sinusoidal modulating voltage, eliminates in-rushes of the primary current and the magnetization current, regardless of the modulation voltage switching angle. The process of forming a hysteresis loop for a given magnetic flux is considered. The time diagrams of the direct starting-up the converter are given at various values of the modulation voltage initial phase for a core with a hysteresis loop. It is shown that the statistical characteristics of the inverter do not depend on the type of the transformer’s core magnetization curve.


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