Yuri A. Dementiy, Kirill P. Nikolaev, Rustem R. Galimzyanov

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-3-53-63

Key words

arc suppression reactor, determination of reactor inductance, instantaneous basis, analysis of noise influence.


Single-phase earth faults occur in 6–35 kV distribution networks. One of the devices designed to eliminate earth faults is the arc suppression reactor. The inductance of the reactor is set in resonance with the capacitance of the network, which results in the suppression of the capacitive component of the current.

A method of determining the inductance of a reactor using instantaneous values of current and voltage is proposed. A differential equation linking the measured quantities is derived. The equation is written for two moments of time, and a system from which the expression for the reactor inductance is derived. Numerical approximation of the derivatives by means of the asymmetric difference derivative was carried out. The mathematical model of the reactor was composed. The influence of the asymmetry coefficient and the main parameters of the considered transients on the accuracy of determining the reactor inductance was analyzed.

The influence of noise on the accuracy of determining the inductance of the reactor was considered. The influence of the main parameters of the considered transients on the stability of the method to noise is analyzed. The confidence intervals of the calculated inductance for different values of relative noise are constructed.

An upgraded method for determining the detuning based on the solution of an overdetermined system of equations is proposed. The robustness of the upgraded method to the influence of noise was analyzed. The modernized method has shown to be more robust to the influence of noise in comparison with the method based on solving a system consisting of equations written for two moments of time.

A test of the methods on a real oscillogram of current and voltage is described. Recommendations on the practical application of the developed methods are offered. The upgraded method is appropriate when there is a high influence of noise and no limitations on the computing power of devices, the method of calculating the inductance by two readings should be used in all other cases.


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Information about the authors

Yuri A. Dementiy – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Group, Relematika LLC, Russia, Cheboksary (dementiy.yu.a@gmail.com).

Kirill P. Nikolaev – Technician-Researcher, Relematika LLC, Russia, Cheboksary (nikolaev.kirill.p@mail.ru).

Rustem R. Galimzyanov – Deputy Chief Engineer for Basic Networks, Kazan Electric Networks Branch, Grid Company JSC, Russia, Kazan (galimzyanovrr@gridcom-rt.ru).

For citations

Dementiy Yu.A., Nikolaev K.P., Galimzyanov R.R. PARAMETRIC IDENTIFICATION OF ARC-SUPPRESSION REACTOR IN THE BASIS OF INSTANTANEOUS VALUES. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2021, no. 3, pp. 53–63. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-3-53-63 (in Russian).

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