The “Historical Search” Editorial Board admits only original articles that have never been published before.
The author’s original paper, typed in accordance with the paper formatting rules, should be submitted in both hard- and soft copy forms. The author’s original paper should be paginated, and its title page should bear the authors’ signatures and the date.
The following documents are to be submitted to the Editorial Board:
– the author’s application addressed to the editor in chief;
– the scientific adviser’s application (for authors without an academic degree.
The authors may bring all these documents alongside with the original paper to the editorial office personally or send via mail at the following address: Scientific Journals Editorial Office of the Chuvash State University, 15, Moskovsky Prospekt, Building A, Cheboksary, 428015, Russia.
An e-version of the paper is to be sent at:
Post-graduate students are not charged with the publication fee.
One issue of the journal may not usually contain more than two papers by the same author, including joint authorship.
Academic paper typography should correspond to the template below:
– class indices of the universal decimal classification (UDC, Russian: УДК) and Library-Bibliographical Classifier (LBC, Russian: ББК);
– the authors’ initials and surnames;
– the title of the paper (both in Russian and English);
– key words (both in Russian and English);
– the summary of the paper (both in Russian and English);
– the text of the paper;
– bibliography cited in the paper;
– transliterated list of references;
– the author’s personal data.
The authors’ original papers are formatted on a computer in the Microsoft Word document format (doc or docx files) as А4 with margins of 4 cm on the right and left, 4.5 cm – on the top, 5.7 см – on the bottom, the header is located 3 cm from the edge of the page, the indented line starts at 0.75 cm. The text of the paper should be typed in Times New Roman, 11 pt., single-spaced.
The text of the paper is submitted in two hard copies with the supplement of a soft copy.
Drawings (graphs, diagrams, schemes, drafts and other graphics done via MS Office) should be contrasty and sharp. The authors must send to the editorial board alongside with the original paper all the graphical files with filename extensions denoting the programs they were made in. The amount of graphics should be minimal (except for papers where it is justified by the research character). Each drawing should be included in the text and have an enumerated caption under it. All captions under drawings are typed in font size 9 pt. It is necessary to include references to drawings in the text.
Photographs, screenshots and other undrawn graphical material should be sent to the editorial office separately, filed as *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.gif. The image resolution should be not less than 300 dpi.
The text in the tables is typed in font size 9 pt., the headline is in boldface type. The paper should contain references to the tables.
The list of References is made in the alphabetical order of the language the paper is written in and only then in other languages. The names of works are typed in Times New Roman 9 pt. When formatting the bibliography, authors must comply with State Standards requirements 7.0.5-2008 «Bibliographic Reference. General Requirements and Formatting Rules».
References to the sources are given in the text in square brackets, for e.g. [1], [1. P. 5].
Transliterated List of References. Download the References Formatting Rules.
The author’s personal data are typed boldface, font size 10 pt. in both Russian and English in Nominative case in the following order:
Surname (Last Name), First Name, Patronymic. Academic Degree, Post, Place of Employment. Country. City. Contact details (e-mail).
1.1. Submission and preliminary examination of the authors’ original papers for publication in the journal is handled by the executive secretary.
1.2. Preliminary examination aims to ascertain that the author has complied with the publication rules presented on the official website of the University.
1.2.1. The editorial staff checks all the academic papers for literary piracy via plagiarism detector (Antiplagiat Program).
1.2.2. If the text authenticity is under 85% (with borrowed text from one source over 7%), the paper is returned to the author for revision with the supplement of necessary reasoning.
1.3. Should the author not comply with the publication rules, presented in Provision 2.2. of the present Regulations, the paper is rejected outright with the author notified about the decision.
1.4. Upon successful preliminary examination, authors’ original papers are forwarded for a review.
2.1. Upon preliminary examination, all the academic papers are subjected to a review.
2.2. Review of the academic papers is performed by the members of the editorial board and specially invited independent readers including leading Russian and international experts in corresponding areas of sciences.
2.3. The choice of a reviewer for an academic paper is done by the editor in chief, deputy editors in chief or the managing editor.
2.4. Generally, the review process is limited to 1 month, though in some cases the schedule may be adjusted at the reviewer’s request.
2.5. Reviewers are refused a possibility to copy the authors’ original papers and pass them over to the third party without a permission of the editorial board.
2.6. Reviewer has an option to refuse from an assessment should any conflict of interests arise that may affect perception or interpretation of the paper.
2.7. A review should contain a competent analysis of the author’s original work, its impartial well-grounded assessment and valid conclusion on its publication possibility.
2.8. The main goal of reviewing is to provide an expert quality assessment of the content of the author’s original paper based on the following criteria: correspondence of the paper title to its content; general analysis of the actuality of the scientific issue and its completeness; its scientific novelty and significance, reliability of the related facts; text coherence and consistency; availability of the analysis on the regarded issue; statistical data analysis; validity of the presented tables, graphics and their correspondence with the regarded issue; availability of references to the literature and other sources; academic voice, terminology; availability of the conclusion and its validity; compliance with the formatting rules.
2.9. All the academic papers are subject to a two-level review:
Level 1 – Open peer review (when the author and the review are aware of each other)
Level 2 – Mandatory double-blind peer review (when neither the reviewer is aware of the authorship of the paper, nor the author maintains any contact with the reviewer)
2.10. Upon the scrutiny, the reviewer is expected to present the editorial board with one of the following recommendations (with each decision well-grounded):
– to accept the paper for publication in its current form;
– to invite the author to revise the paper to address the reviewer’s commentary before accepting it for publication;
– to assign an additional review by another expert;
– to reject the paper.
2.11. Upon the decision to accept the paper for publication, the editorial staff notifies the authors of the scheduled date of publication.
2.12. The final decision on rejecting a paper is made at the editorial board meeting on the reviewer’s recommendation.
2.13. The editorial staff sends the reviewer’s commentary or a motivated refusal to the author.
2.14. If the reviewer has recommended any refinements, the editorial board suggests the author should either take them into account when making a new version of the paper, or dispute them reasonably (partially or completely).
2.15. Authors are kindly required to limit their revision to 2 months since the date they were sent an e-message demanding revision of the paper.
2.16. The revised version of the paper is forwarded for a second review.
2.17. Original reviews of submitted papers remain deposited in the editorial office for not less than 5 years.
2.18. Paper reviews are not published, but may be used only within the office documents circulation or when contacting the author.
2.19. Reviews copies can be sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on their demand.