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DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2022-3-1-38-44

УДК 94:329

ББК 63.3(4)

Key words

right-wing parties and organizations, the conservatives, program provisions, ideological views, periodicals, the Volga region.


The article considers the role of periodical press bodies as exponents of the ideological views of the right-wing parties and organizations of the Volga region at the beginning of the XX century. The object of consideration is program provisions and ideological positions of a number of right-wing parties and organizations of the Volga region, the subject of the study are the periodical press bodies of these organizations, reflecting their conceptual attitudes on their pages and expanding, thanks to their format, presentation of programming details to the wide social strata.

The purpose of this article is to show the opportunities of periodical press as mass media to reveal the ideological attitudes of right-wing conservative organizations. The retrospective, historical-comparative and problematic methods used for its implementation make it possible to compare the program and statutory provisions of the regional right-wing parties in the studied period with submission of their informative content in the press, to reveal redistribution and opportunities of program official documents and periodicals in this process.

The conceptual ideological framework of political parties, including right-wing conservative ones, was laid down in the program and statutory provisions of organizations that had a certain textured limit. In such conditions, the periodical press organs acted as commentators on the ideological views of right-wing parties, on the one hand, and as mouthpieces and popularizers of their main ideas and political positions, on the other. The article uses specific examples to show the role of periodicals in explaining the programming of right-monarchical political parties and organizations and in broadcasting them to the masses. Based on the analysis of the publishing tasks defined by the periodicals and the slogans and subheadings placed in it, the main political views of the right-wing conservatives of the Volga region at the beginning of the XX century are revealed.


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Information about the author

Elizaveta M. Mikhailova – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation, Russia, Cheboksary (lizamem@yandex.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6035-9571).

For citations

Mikhailova E.M. THE ORGANS OF THE RIGHT-WING PRESS AS EXPONENTS OF THE PROGRAMATICS OF CONSERVATIVE PARTIES AT THE BEGINNING OF THE XX CENTURY (on the example of the Volga Region). Historical Search, 2022,  vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 38–44. DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2022-3-1-38-44 (in Russian).

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