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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2022-2-5-14

УДК 93/94

ББК 63.3(2)6


Key words

historical science, higher education, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University


In modern conditions, the formation and evolution of the humanities in Russia is of particular relevance. Among the fundamental foundations of the socio-humanitarian sciences, the historical sphere of scientific knowledge occupies a central place. It is impossible to build the future without understanding the events of the past. The study of the historical science development in our state was conducted both by science institutes and by higher education institutions. Scientists often combined teaching and research. This trend was typical for the whole country, including its regions. The Chuvash Republic was no exception. In general, historical education on the territory of Chuvashia began to emerge in 1930. Between 1930 and 1967, the Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute carried out the professional historical staff training. A new stage in the development of higher historical education in the Chuvash ASSR began in 1967. The opening of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov (CSU) was a landmark event. The article presents the formation and development of historical science at CSU, which included a number of independent areas: opening of new specialties, creation of departments and laboratories, formation of scientific schools, work of the dissertation council and training of scientific and pedagogical staff, holding conferences, publishing scientific journals, proceedings and monographs, implementing grants, etc. Each of these activities is a significant work behind which stand prominent scientists of the Republic. It is pointed out that for its 55th anniversary, the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov created a galaxy of talented historians, whose names are known outside Chuvashia. The change of generations is an integral element of the transfer of knowledge and traditions. Any research team, first of all, is a combination of the wisdom and working capacity of leading specialists, as well as acquiring new knowledge by novice researchers. Continuity and traditions are important components of the historical scientific schools of Chuvashia.


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Information about the authors

Natalya V. Knyazeva – Post-Graduate Student, Russian History Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (knyazeva-7421@mail.ru).

Elena K. Mineeva – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Russian History Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (mineevaek21@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8301-9951).

For citations

Knyazeva N.V., Mineeva E.K. DEVELOPMENT OF HISTORICAL SCIENCE IN THE HIGHER SCHOOL OF CHUVASHIA (1967–2022): TO THE 55th ANNIVERSARY OF THE I.N. ULYANOV CHUVASH STATE UNIVERSITY. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2022, no. 2, pp. 5–14. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2022-2-5-14 (in Russian).

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