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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-1-48-59

УДК 947.084.8

ББК 63.3 (2Рос.Мар)


Key words

the Great Patriotic War, the Mari ASSR, Volzhsk, plant No. 168, the Volga Woodworking Plant, evacuation, aircraft industry


The topic of industry evacuation, including aviation, the problems of locating enterprises and organizing their production in the rear regions remains relevant. At this stage, it is worth paying attention to the problem of locating specific enterprises and other problems they faced during evacuation.

The purpose of the study is to study, based on the analysis of sources, one of the regional aspects in the history of the Great Patriotic War – evacuation of aviation plant No. 168 in Volzhsk, the Mari ASSR.

Materials and methods. The sources were identified in the State Archive of the Republic of Mari El, the State Archive of the Russian Federation and the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History. The main methods were the analysis and systematization of documents.

Study results. According to the resolution of the Evacuation Council dated November 11, 1941, Plant No. 168 of the People’s Commissariat of Aviation Industry of the USSR, which had arrived from Ryazan, was located on the production areas of the Volga (Lopatinsky) Woodworking Plant. 10 main workshops were located on the territory of the woodworking plant. The assembly of KC-20 troop-carrying gliders began immediately. In accordance with the decision of the State Defense Committee dated September 13, 1942, plant No. 168 began serial production of UT-2MV light bombers, which required an increase in space and the number of workers, and creation of new production facilities. Special difficulties were caused by the issues of locating two large enterprises on the same territory – plant No. 168 and the Volga (Lopatinsky) woodworking plant: lack of production facilities, living space, problems with provision, construction deadlines, etc. By the decree of the State Defence Committee of the USSR dated October 1, 1944 and by the order of the USSR People’s Commissariat of Aviation Industry and the USSR People’s Commissariat of Railways dated October 31, 1944, Plant No. 168 was relocated to Rostov-on-Don. All production buildings and structures, including unfinished construction of the production building, were transferred to the Volga (Lopatinsky) woodworking plant.

Conclusions. Evacuation of enterprises is one of the main issues in the history of the rear regions during the Great Patriotic War. The common problems for all industrial enterprises during this period were the lack of production facilities, electricity, fuel, raw materials, manpower, transport, etc. Despite all the difficulties, plant No. 168, being evacuated to the Mari ASSR, was able to organize the production and output of aircraft.


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Information about the authors

Olga A. Koshkina – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Department of History, Mari Scientific Research Institute of Language, Literature and History named after V.M. Vasilyev, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola (koshkina_81@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2482-9628).

Dmitriy V. Vasenin – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of History and Psychology, Volga State Technological University, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola (d.vasenin76@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-8861-616X).

For citations

Koshkina O.A., Vasenin D.V. AVIATION PLANT IN THE MARI ASSR IN 1941–1944: PROBLEMS OF EVACUATION, ACCOMMODATION AND PRODUCTION. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2024, no. 1, pp. 48–59. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-1-48-59 (in Russian).

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