DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2024-5-4-59-65
УДК 627.81.09(470.344-25)
ББК Н771(2Рос.Чув-2Чебоксары)
Nadezhda G. RUSINOVA
Key words: Cheboksary reservoir, project, construction history, flooding zone, engineering protection, comprehensive examination program.
The history of creation and development of Cheboksary hydroelectric power plant has always been of interest to researchers. The reservoir has been at a low level for many years. This condition results in numerous problems. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that currently the problem of the reservoir affects the interests of the population in three regions.
The purpose of the study is to examine the problems of Cheboksary reservoir in the light of the economic development of the regions at present stage.
Materials and methods. Various sources were used to work on the topic: archival documents, journalistic literature, articles in scientific journals and periodicals. The study was carried out using the comparative-historical method and the method of system analysis, which made it possible to generalize the data of sources and group heterogeneous judgments and assessments.
Study results. In the 2010s, the Program of Comprehensive Survey of the Cheboksary Reservoir Zone was carried out. The survey revealed a number of problems related to the operation of the reservoir and the state of engineering protection. The Cheboksary hydroelectric complex is currently operated at an off-design level, in which the station does not produce electricity necessary for the economic development of the regions. In addition, there is a destruction of engineering protection facilities, territories and settlements are flooded, erosive processes are progressing, and water quality is deteriorating. Power engineers propose to solve this problem by raising the water level in the reservoir to the design level. However, not everyone agrees with this decision.
Conclusions. There are various federal programs to improve the ecological condition of the reservoir and reduce its negative impact on the environment. The participation of municipal organizations in the programs has a positive effect.
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About the author
Nadezhda G. Rusinova – Senior Lecturer, Department of Heat Engineering and Hydraulics, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (
For citations
Rusinova N.G. PROBLEMS OF CHEBOKSARY RESERVOIR AT PRESENT STAGE. Historical Search, 2024, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 59–65. DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2024-5-4-59-65 (in Russian).
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