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Inna Yu. Semenova

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-159-165

Key words

the Chuvash ASSR, orphanage, Tsivilsky children’s town named after V.I. Lenin, guardianship and patronage agencies, child and adolescent homelessness, boarders-abandoned children, half-orphans, orphans.


Eradication of homelessness as a “social evil” was one of the most important tasks of the young Soviet state. Each national region of the country tried to solve it to the best of their abilities and opportunities, and the Chuvash ASSR was no exception. Its experience was quite successful.

The article examines the work of Tsivilsk children’s town named after V.I. Lenin, which, as an informal center of guardianship and patronage in the first decade of the Chuvash ASSR, carried a serious burden of educating troubled children and adolescents. The author, based on unpublished sources of the State historical archive of the Chuvash Republic, analyzes the activities of the educational institution, examines the lives of its boarders, and draws certain conclusions about the role of the town in the state’s fight against child neglect and homelessness.

The archival materials processed by the author indicate scarcity of financial resources allocated for the life support of the educational institution; lack of property for its proper functioning, lack of teaching staff and maintenance personnel for the normal life of the children’s town. However, the existing difficulties in the first decade of the Chuvash ASSR formation were typical for most institutions of guardianship and patronage, and they were systematically overcome by the authorities of the Chuvash region to the best of their abilities and opportunities.


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Information about the author

Inna Yu. Semenova – Post-Graduate Student of the Russian History Department; Senior Teacher of Civil Legal Disciplines Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (iysemenova@mail.ru).

For citations

Semenova I.Yu. CONTRIBUTION OF THE CIVIL CHILDREN’S TOWN NAMED AFTER V.I. LENIN (1926–1934) IN THE STATE CASE OF COMBATING HOMELESSNESS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CHUVASH ASSR. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2020, no. 4, pp. 159–165. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-159-165 (in Russian).

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