УДК 93
ББК 63.3(2…)
Key words
corrective labor institutions, the Chuvash ASSR (1918-1932), the Chuvash Autonomous oblast, prisoners, the correctional labour code of the RSFSR
The article deals with the activities of Tsivilsk detention facility of the People’s Commissariat of justice of the Chuvash ASSR and the conditions of performing duty in it. The article gives actual material about the salary of employees performing duty in the detention facility. The analysis of archival documents stored at the State Historical Archive of the Chuvash Republic shows that correctional labor institutions needed additional funding and experienced a constant lack of funds, which had an impact on the state and maintenance of the institutions themselves, as well as on the financial situation of its employees. Based on the analyzed sources, difficulties in organizing the institution’s functioning are identified.
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Information about the author
Elena V. Vyrlan – Post-Graduate Student, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (elenavyrlan7@gmail.com).