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Key words

S.A. Kotlyarevsky, F. Lamennais, freedom of conscience, social Catholicism


The article analyzes the scientific work of a historian and a jurist S.A. Kotlyarevsky, who became one of the first who dedicated to the history of Catholicism in the 19th century and the ideas of one of its preachers F. Lamennais. The contribution made by the scientist to the study of the Catholic Church history is evaluated. The work of the scholar historian, published in 1904, was particularly relevant for that time. According to Kotlyarevsky, Lamennais’ ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity, which had a democratic sound, became important not only for Western European society, but for the Russian society and its ideological research as well The work of the historian caused ambiguous assessments and discussions, which generally reflected different positions of socio-political forces. Modern resorting to scientific heritage of pre-revolutionary historians is also of interest in connection with expansion of methodological approaches to the study of social development. Kotlyarevsky’s work was a study of a personality and ideas against the background of the epoch and medium, which reflected the scientific direction of the Moscow school of historians, whose students include the author. At the same time, the study is characterized not only by an assessing the psychological type, but by special attention to socio-economic and political circumstances as well. However, as Kotlyarevsky himself noted, his resorting to the socio-economic component of the historical process differs from the methods of economic materialism, which caused criticism of the left-wing forces. First of all, contradictions and changes in Western European Catholicism were to be reflected in the coverage of the religious figure’s life. The historian identified three main periods in Lamennais’ life, which, in his opinion, reflected the development of religious and political views of this figure, in accordance with which he organized his work’s structure. Lamennais is considered to be one of the founders of Christian socialism. His religious views evolved from advocating the absolute Roman theocracy to proclaiming complete freedom of the Church and rejecting the Roman theocracy as the only true form of Christianity. The preacher’s socio-political views evolved from royalism to the ideology of the Republican party.


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Information about the authors

Olga V. Zaharchenko – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Department of Public Law, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (zaharchenko_ov21@mail.ru).

Tatyana N. Ivanova – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of History and Culture of Foreign Countries, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (tivanovan@mail.ru).