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Mikhail N. URYASOV

УДК 304.3:316.32(1.470.344)

ББК С546(2Рос.Чув):С526

Key words

government control, educational system, authorities, Ministry of education and science of Russia


Based on a wide range of sources and literature, the article presents functioning of the Russian government bodies in the field of education. The access to a wide range of archival materials and media made it possible to determine numerous restructuring and changes in the powers of educational authorities in the late 20th – early 21st century. On the basis of sources and scientific publications, the authors reveal the structure of the Federal management apparatus in the educational sphere in the 1990s and early 2000s. The dynamics of formation and development of the Ministry of education of post-Soviet Russia is studied. The main characteristic of the period under study in the article is a sufficiently coordinated and successful development and implementation of comprehensive programs for the socio-economic and cultural development of the country. The author comes to the conclusion that over the 30-year period of history, Russian education passed a modernizing path of development, which included numerous changes and renaming of state and administrative power structures, reform of the regulatory framework and creation of a multi-stage educational system.


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Information about the author

Mikhail N. Uryasov – Post-Graduate Student, History Department, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Russia, Ulyanovsk (shaipak@rambler.ru).