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From the editor-in-chief

Dear colleagues, dear readers!

Your attention is invited to a new scientific periodical – the journal “Historical Search”. On the one hand, it continues the tradition of publications of the I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University named after, on the other hand, creates a new platform for the publication of current historical research, the exchange of views in the field of humanitarian knowledge.

The journal is intended to publish the results of theoretical and practical research in the field of historical sciences (07.00.02 – Russian History; 07.00.07 – Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology; 07.00.09 – Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research) in the form of scientific articles, scientific reports, bibliographic reviews, applied materials, previously unpublished and prepared at a high scientific level. The publication includes a variety of thematic headings, the main of which are: Domestic history: people, events, facts; Ethnographic review of the peoples of Russia; Historian’s view: source study and historiography; Surveys and reviews.

The policy of the journal is to inform the scientific community about historical research that has scientific novelty and reflects the results of original works; providing an opportunity to publish articles to Russian and foreign authors; familiarization with new trends in the development of historical science; integration of scientists into the professional community; ensuring open access to research results.

The editorial board of the publication consists of the editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board from the most authoritative scientists in the field of historical sciences, who are responsible for a specific direction of the journal’s activity (separate headings), determine tactical issues of the journal’s development, organize reviewing and examination, scientific editing of applicants editorial of articles.

The editorial staff of the publication is aimed at actively attracting both eminent scientists and talented novice researchers from different regions of Russia to cooperation. I hope that the journal “Historical Search” will become one of the leading scientific periodicals in the field of historical sciences.

Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Journal “Historical Search”,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
E.K. Mineeva