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УДК 94(47).281.93

ББК 63.3 (2)5

Key words

Orthodox translations, the Mari language, Kazan, printing, educational activities, written tradition, N.I. Ilminsky


In the second half of the 19th century, as a result of evolvement and development of the religious and educational movement and changes in the state policy in the field of school education and missionary activities, the Mari people formed their own written tradition based on the Cyrillic alphabet, translated editions of textbooks and religious and moral literature begin to appear. Translation and publishing activities of Orthodox educators became an important stage in the formation of the Mari national book. The first translators who worked on the basis of new approaches developed by a Kazan scholar-orientalist and an Orthodox missionary N.I. Ilminsky, were teachers of the Mari confessional schools, who came from the Mountainous side of the Mari territory.

In the post-reform period, with the development of a primary schools network with a bilingual teaching system, appearance of educational institutions with a pedagogical profile and formation of a layer of Mari intelligentsia, the work on the compiling translations becomes systematic, brings real results – dozens of publications of educational and liturgical literature in the Mari language appear, the written language becomes normalized. Translation activities became a scientific and literary “school” for the first generation of the Mari creative intelligentsia. While working on translations, the Mari literary language was “refined”, its lexical base was accumulated, and general syntactic rules were developed. This made it possible for the Mari literature to flourish during the Soviet period.


  1. Gospoda nashego Iisusa Hrista svyatoe Evangelie ot Matfeya, Marka, Luki i Ioanna na cheremisskom yazyke [Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Cheremis language]. Kazan, 1906, 350 p.
  2. Gosudarstvennyi arhiv Kirovskoj oblasti. 237. Op. 74. D. 2287 [State archive of the Kirov region. Archives 237. Anagraph 74. Document 2287].
  3. Gosudarstvennyi arhiv Respubliki Tatarstan. 968. Op.1. D. 101 [The State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan. Archives 968. Anagraph 1. Document 101].
  4. Gosudarstvennyi arhiv Respubliki Tatarstan. 968. Op. 1. D. 105 [The State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan. Archives 968. Anagraph 1. Document 105].
  5. Gosudarstvennyi arhiv Respubliki Tatarstan. F. 968. 1. D. 168 [The State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan. Archives 968. Anagraph 1. Document 168].
  6. Ivanov I.G. Vekhi marijskoj pis’mennosti [Milestones of the Mari script]. Yoshkar-Ola, 2007, 46 р.
  7. Ivanov I.G. Istoriya mariiskogo literaturnogo yazyka [History of the Mari literary language]. Yoshkar-Ola, 1975, 256 р.
  8. Iznoskov I.A. Materialy dlya istorii hristianskogo prosveshcheniya inorodcev kazanskogo kraya [Materials for the history of Christian education of foreigners of the Kazan region]. Moscow, 1893, iss. 1, 32 р.
  9. Kratkii katekhizis na gorno-cheremisskom narechii [A brief catechism in the mountain-Cheremis dialect]. Kazan, 1871, 88 р.
  10. Mashanov M.A. Obzor deyatel’nosti Bratstva sv. Guriya za dvadcat’ pyat’ let ego sushchestvovaniya (1867–1892 gg.) [Review of the activities of the Brotherhood Guria for twenty-five years of its existence (1867–1892)]. Kazan, 1892, 256 р.
  11. Mihailov V.T. Mariiskaya nacional’naya uchebnaya kniga: istoriya evolyucii [Mari National Study Book: A History of Evolution]. Problemy sovremennogo obrazovaniya, 2013, no. 5, pp.117–132.
  12. On perevel Evangelie [He translated the gospel]. Zarya, 1996, Sept. 6, p. 6.
  13. Otchet Perevodcheskoj komissii Pravoslavnogo missionerskogo obshchestva, uchrezhdennoj pri Bratstve sv. Guriya v g. Kazani 1892 g. [Report of the Translation Commission of the Orthodox Missionary Society, established under the Brotherhood of St. Guria in Kazan, 1892]. Kazan, 1893, 72 р.
  14. Otchet Perevodcheskoj komissii Pravoslavnogo missionerskogo obshchestva, uchrezhdennoj pri Bratstve sv. Guriya v g. Kazani. 1894 g. [Report of the Translation Commission of the Orthodox Missionary Society, established under the Brotherhood of St. Guria in Kazan, 1894]. Kazan, 1895, 87 p.
  15. Otchet Perevodcheskoj komissii Pravoslavnogo missionerskogo obshchestva, uchrezhdennoj pri Bratstve sv. Guriya v g. Kazani s 1 yanvarya 1904 po 1 maya 1905 g. [Report of the Translation Commission of the Orthodox Missionary Society, established under the Brotherhood of St. Guria in Kazan, from January 1, 1904 to May 1, 1905 ]. Kazan, 1905, 50 p.
  16. Sanukov K.N. Prosvetitel’ Pavel Petrovich Glezdenev. Ocherk zhizni i deyatel’nosti [Illuminator Pavel Petrovich Glezdenev. Essay on life and activity]. Yoshkar-Ola, 2005, 64 p.
  17. Khronologicheskiij katalog izdanii Pravoslavnogo missionerskogo obshchestva na russkom yazyke i na yazykah inorodcev Povolzhskih, Sibirskih i Kavkazskih. S 1862 g. po maj mesyac 1910 g. [A chronological catalog of publications of the Orthodox Missionary Society in Russian and in the languages of the Volga, Siberian and Caucasian foreigners. From 1862 to May, the month of 1910]. Kazan, 1911, 44 p.

Information about the author

Radik R. Iskhakov – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Center for the Study of History and Culture Tatar-Kryashens and Nagaibaks, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Russian, Kazan (ishakovist@gmail.com).