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Galina V. Ertmakova

DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2020-1-4-192-196

Key words

national self-determination, national cultural autonomy, D.S. Elmen, Chuvash Autonomous Region, administrative-territorial division


The article analyzes the process of transformation in the projects of national self-determination of the Chuvash people from a national cultural autonomy and labor commune to autonomous region and subsequent transformation into a republic. On the basis of archival documents and scientific research, it is concluded that creation of an autonomous region was the first and the most important stage in the formation of national statehood. The choice of autonomy became the best option for national and state building compared to associations based solely on cultural community. Transformation of the Chuvash Autonomous Region into the Chuvash ASSR completed the formation of the main contours in political development and strengthened the national culture. The Republic was granted with its own authorities, the right to its own Constitution and development of other state acts on the internal life of Chuvashia, as well as the right to independently decide local issues, related to the identity of the ethnic group.


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Information about the author

Galina V. Ertmakova – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director, State Historical Archives of the Chuvash Republic, Russia, Cheboksary (gia@rchuv.ru).

For citations

Ertmakova G.V. CREATING AUTONOMY: ON THE WAY TO PRESERVE NATIONAL CULTURES. Historical Search, 2020, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 192–196. DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2020-1-4-192-196 (in Russian).

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