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Vladislav L. Gorfin, Alexander M. Rybakov

DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2021-2-2-5-12

Key words

struggle for US independence, policy of armed neutrality, Catherine II, colony, democracy


In the article the authors show the place of Russia in the struggle for the independence of the United States. They reveal the concept of “military neutrality”, its essence and content. They define the basic principles of the world colonial system in the XVIII century, the foundations of interrelation between world powers and their colonies. They identify the priorities and interests for the development of foreign policy relations. They establish causal links between the war of the North American colonies of Great Britain for their independence and the policies of a number of European powers (Russia, Great Britain, France), as well as the consequences to which it led.

The article considers the history of the struggle for independence and the formation of a new state of the United States of America, the development of foreign policy relations. The authors focus on the history of Russian-American relations in the second half of the XVIII century in the political aspect, and emphasize the increasing penetration of Russia’s influence in the scientific and cultural spheres which directly influenced and enriched the two countries. The relations between Russia and the United States and their history are studied. The history of relations between Russia and Great Britain is shown. The authors analyze the history of attempts to involve the Russian Empire in the war on the side of Great Britain, the position of the Russian government and Catherine II, as well as their attitude to these attempts.

The authors give prominence to a number of world political figures and note their personal contribution to the process of struggle for independence and the further development of the United States of America. Unknown moments of their biographies are revealed.

Conclusions are drawn about the role and the place of the leading countries of the period under study in the struggle for freedom and independence of the future superpower.


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Information about the author

Vladislav L. Gorfin – Cadet, Military University, Russia, Moscow (vladislav.gorfin@mail.ru).

Alexander M. Rybakov – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Lecturer, Military University, Russia, Moscow (Car87@mail.ru).

For citations

Gorfin V.L., Rybakov A.M. RUSSIA’S ROLE IN THE STRUGGLE FOR THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Historical Search, 2021,  vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 5–12. DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2021-2-2-5-12 (in Russian).

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