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Semen N. Blinjaev, Oleg N. Shirokov

DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2021-2-3-59-68

Key words

historiography, relevance, coverage of the theme aspects, development of mobilization problematics, research of the theme of soldiers’ unrest, experience of analyzing mass riots, the First World War.


The article covers the problem of analyzing such an important and relevant issue as the soldiers’ riots at the beginning of mobilization during the First World War and its consequences for the socio-economic and political situation in the Russian Empire. The authors give an overview of the Soviet, Russian and foreign historiography on the problem and describe the content of scientific works on this issue. Based on the analysis of scientists’ research works, the authors make a conclusion about their contribution to the development of certain aspects of the theme and coverage of the problematics as a whole. It is shown that there is a significant difference in the degree of research of the issue’s various aspects. The historiography reflects the most completely the socio-economic and political consequences of large-scale mobilization measures: socio-demographic shifts in the town and the village, changes in modernization processes, increasing problems in the agricultural sector, emergence and development of the revolutionary factor under the influence of the war, the least developed are aspects related to the character, scale, driving forces, mental and ethno – psychological springs of soldiers’ riots during the conscription campaigns. The authors point out the difference in interpreting the causes of such a social phenomenon as soldiers’ riots during the development of the problematics by Soviet scientists and Russian researchers in the 1990s and at the present moment. Regional historiography is considered separately with clarification of the issue determining the current stage of studying the scientific problem in Chuvashia, the republics of Tatarstan and Mari El. The authors come to the conclusion that, despite the multifaceted study of the problem on a Russian scale, it remains poorly studied on the territory of the three named republics of the Volga region, which indicates the current need for complex and holistic work.


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About the authors

Semen N. Blinjaev – Post-Graduate Student, Department of History and Culture of Foreign Countries, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (semen-blinjaev@rambler.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1686-1214).

Oleg N. Shirokov – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History and Geography, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (425954@rambler.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6218-8948).

For citations

Blinjaev S.N., Shirokov O.N. HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE PROBLEM OF SOLDIERS ‘ UNREST DURING MOBILIZATION IN THE YEARS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR. Historical Search, 2021, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 59–68. DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2021-2-3-59-68 (in Russian).

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