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Maxim V. Evstratov

DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2021-2-3-10-14

Key words

repression, military personnel, Red Army, I. Stalin, commander and commanding staff.


The article examines the issue of carrying out Stalinist repressions against the officers of the late 1930s. Separate problematic plots associated with repressions in relation to the command and control and political composition of the Red Army are highlighted. Mass repressions began in the early 1930s. thanks to falsified charges related to the Viasna case. Based on special research literature, the article reveals the reasons and consequences of the peak of repressions against the military, which fell on the period of the disclosure of the so-called “military conspiracy” in 1937. The background of the conspiracy itself was connected with the fact that around J.V. Stalin there were two large opposing forces, consisting of eminent military men, who had different views on the further development of the army. As a result, the “leader” supported KE Voroshilov’s group, and MN Tukhachevsky’s associates were repressed. The article notes that about 40 thousand people from among the commanders suffered from the repressions of 1937-1938. In 1939, by order of JV Stalin, the mass coverage of repression was suspended, as a result, 11,178 people were reinstated in the army. Any interrelated events inevitably have a cause-and-effect relationship. Many historians, discussing the failures of the Soviet Union in the first year of the Great Patriotic War, come to the conclusion that the professionally formed army, which led to successes during the Civil War, was largely destroyed by the internal policy of the state, which was directly related to the repression of the end 1930s. The massive repressions carried out against the commanding and commanding personnel in the pre-war years inflicted great losses on the Red Army. Events of the 1930s became the main reason for personnel problems in the Red Army, which entailed tragic consequences during the Great Patriotic War.


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About the author

Maxim V. Evstratov – Adjunct of the History Department, Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow (maksim.evstratov.84@mail.ru).

For citations

Evstratov M.V. MILITARY PERSONNEL AND REPRESSION OF THE 1930s. Historical Search, 2021, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 10–14. DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2021-2-3-10-14 (in Russian).

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