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DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2021-2-4-68-72

УДК 364.4-54(091)(470.344)”1935/1942″

ББК Ч466.4г(2Рос.Чув)6


Key words

the Chuvash ASSR, child homelessness, adolescent neglect, a network of guardianship and foster care institutions, orphans, half-orphans, difficult teenagers, an orphanage, measures to eliminate homelessness


In post-revolutionary Russia, the scale of child homelessness and adolescent neglect, which resulted from October 1917, the events of the First World War and the Civil War, devastation of the national economy, unemployment, the mass spread of social diseases and other social upheavals, caused serious concern to the Government of the country. A number of legislative acts are adopted that create a legal and organizational basis for combating the social evil of homelessness (creation of children’s militia, children’s social inspections, commissions on juvenile affairs, labor communes and camps, orphanages, remand houses, as well as the emergence of public organizations). A separate area of the authorities’ work in this direction is massive organization of child care and foster care institutions throughout the country; in a number of national regions, including the Chuvash ASSR, the number of orphanages and children’s towns partially solved the problem of homelessness growth, but did not eliminate it.

The conducted research reveals the contribution of Zavolzhsky House № 2 under the Ministry of Education of the Chuvash ASSR in solving the problems of combating, preventing and eliminating the social evil of homelessness in the Chuvash Region. Timely measures for organizing the life of orphans and semi-orphans made it possible to consider the Chuvash ASSR a region that successfully coped with the state task of eliminating homelessness in the Soviet Russia.


  1. Gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Chuvashskoi respubliki. Fond 1390. Opis 1. Delo 1–64. [The State Historical Archive of the Chuvash Republic. Archives 1390. Anagraph 1. Document 1–64].
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  3. Mineeva E.K., Morozov V.A., Yantseva A.S. Puti preodoleniya detskoi besprizornosti v sovetskoi Rossii v 1920-1930-e gody [Ways to overcome child neglect in Soviet Russia in the 1920s–1930s]. Vestnik Chuvashskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta, 2012, no. 2(74), рр. 97–101.
  4. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva SSSR [Collection of USSR legislation], 1926, no. 56, Article 407.
  5. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva SSSR [Collection of USSR legislation], 1935, no. 32, Article 252.
  6. Sobranie uzakonenii RSFSR [Collection of laws of the RSFSR], 1926, no. 21, Article 168.

Information about the author

Inna Yu. Semenova – Post-Graduate Student, Russian History Department; Senior Lecturer of Civil Legal Disciplines Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (iysemenova@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7557-228X).

For citations

Semenova I.Yu. CONTRIBUTION OF ZAVOLZHSKY ORPHANAGE № 2 IN ELIMINATING HOMELESSNESS IN THE CHUVASH ASSR. Historical Search, 2021, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 68–72. DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2021-2-4-68-72 (in Russian).

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