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TURNING OVER THE PAGES OF CHUVASHIA’S HISTORY (Review of the Book-Album: The history of the Chuvash region in unique archival documents. Cheboksary, Novoye vremya Publ., 2020, 232 p.)

УДК 94:351.852.12(470.344)

ББК Т3(2Рос.Чув)


Key words

the Chuvash, the Chuvash region, formation of national statehood, Cheboksary, archive, library, document


The review contains the analysis of the book-album prepared by Chuvash historians-archivists for the 100th anniversary of the Chuvash Autonomous Region formation. It contains documents from 1469 to 2020, found in the collections of archives and libraries of Russia, which reflect the main milestones in the history of the Chuvash and the Chuvash region. It includes 100 most significant documents from a historical and cultural point of view, accompanied by annotations and illustrative materials. The publication intended for the broadest audience of readers interested in the history of the Chuvash people and our Homeland.


  1. Istoriya Chuvashskogo kraya v unikal’nykh arkhivnykh dokumentakh [History of Chuvashia in unique archival documents]. Cheboksary, Novoe Vremya Publ., 2020, 232 р.

Information about the author

Elena N. Mokshina – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Russian History, National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, Russia, Saransk (enm2112@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7069-6563).

For citations

Mokshina E.N. TURNING OVER THE PAGES OF CHUVASHIA’S HISTORY (Review of the Book-Album: The history of the Chuvash region in unique archival documents. Cheboksary, Novoye vremya Publ., 2020, 232 p.). Historical Search, 2023, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 97–100 (in Russian).

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