DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2024-5-4-33-40
УДК 947(470.41)“19”:82
ББК 63.3(2РОС=ТАТ)6:83
Key words: the Organizing Committee of the Union of Tataria’s Soviet Writers, literary circles, the Tatar ASSR, the Union of Soviet Writers, writers, the Tatar literature.
On July 29, 2024 the Union of Writers of the Republic of Tatarstan celebrated the 90th anniversary of its formation. In this connection, the background of the Writers’ Union formation and its activities are of particular importance. Under these conditions, the need for a comprehensive study of this topic has become urgent. The Union of Tataria’s Soviet Writers has a long history, throughout its existence it has played and continues to play an important role in public life of the Republic of Tatarstan, in development of the Tatar literature and consolidation of the literary community.
The purpose of the study is to examine the history of evolvement and activities of the organizing committee to create the Union of Tataria’s Soviet Writers in the period from 1932 to 1934.
Materials and methods. The methodological foundation for the study of the research subject is made by the principles of historicism and objectivity and consistency, as well as the descriptive and narrative method. Based on the results of analyzing archival documents and periodicals of the 30s of the XX century, the article examines the history of the emergence and activities of the Organizing Committee for the creation of Tataria’s Union of Soviet Writers.
Research results. The article considers and analyzes the main activities of the Organizing Committee for the creation of the Union of Soviet Writers of the Tatar ASSR in the period from 1932 to 1934. The activities of the Organizing Committee, created in May 1932 in pursuance of the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of April 23, 1932 “On the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations”, were multifaceted: literary circles were created at plants, factories, collective farms; trips of writers’ teams to the countryside were organized, which aroused great interest among young writers. The Organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet Writers of Tatarstan worked with young writers within the framework of literary circles, and was also engaged in the methodological support of literary circles, carried out work with young writers, conducted literary consultations by convening creative meetings, as well as literary evenings, discussions on literary criticism, satire, artistic language and the value of literary works, organized writers’ performances on the radio and their publication Thus, he created all the conditions for the realization of the creative potential of the writers of the Tatar ASSR..
Conclusions. Over the years of the Organizing Committee’s activity, the ranks of young writers from among the workers significantly expanded and the structure of Tataria’s Union of Soviet Writers was formed. In terms of structure and main activities, the Organizing Committee was the prototype of the future Union of Tataria’s Soviet Writers.
About the authors
Ilyuza G. Mukhametzianova – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Kazan Branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Russia, Kazan (; ORCID:
Aidar N. Yuzeev – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Kazan Branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Russia, Kazan (; ORCID:
For citations
Mukhametzyanova I.G., Yuzeev A.N. THE ORIGINS OF FORMATION OF THE UNION OF TATARIA’S SOVIET WRITERS IN THE 30s OF THE XX CENTURY. Historical Search, 2024, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 33–40. DOI: 10.47026/2712-9454-2024-5-4-33-40 (in Russian).