The journal Vestnik Chuvashskogo Universiteta (Bulletin of the Chuvash University) is a critically reviewed scientific periodical intended for publishing the scientific fundamental and applied research findings.
The Journal was founded in March 2, 1995.
The Journal aims to inform the scientific community about the research that is of scientific value and exposes the results of original works.
The goals of the Journal:
The Journal’s Thematic Rubrics:
Publication frequency: 4 times per year.
Founder: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «I.N.Ulianov Chuvash State University»
The Journal Publisher – Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «I.N.Ulianov Chuvash State University»
The Journal’s Mass Media Registration Certificate by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media – PI № FS77-51087 (04.09.2012).
The Journal’s International Standard Serial Number – ISSN 1810-1909.
Subscription index in the Russian Post catalog “Subscription publications” – ПМ983.
The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of doctor and candidate of Sciences, in the following specialties, should be published:
5.6.1. Russian History (Historical Sciences) (from 01.02.2022)
5.6.2. General History (Historical Sciences) (from 01.02.2022)
5.6.4. Ethnology, Anthropology and Ethnography (Historical Sciences) (from 01.02.2022)
1.2.2. Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Packages (Technical Sciences) (from 03.29.2023)
2.4.1. Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering (Technical Sciences) (from 03.29.2023)
2.4.2. Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems (Technical Sciences) (from 03.29.2023)
2.4.3. Electric Power Industry (Technical Sciences) (from 03.29.2023)
Indexation of the papers published in the journal Vestnik Chuvashskogo Universiteta in full-text and international abstract databases:
Rublications are assigned a DOI (Digital object identifier). DOI prefix: 10.47026/1810-1909.
Editor in Chief – Aleksandrov Andrey Yurievich, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Rector of Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russia.
Deputy Editors in Chief:
G.A. Belov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
E.K. Mineyeva – Doctor of History, Professor.
The editorial office address:
15, Moskovsky Prospekt, Cheboksary 428015, Russia
Contact details:
tel.: (8352) 45-20-96.