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THE REVOLUTION OF 1905–1907 IN THE ASSESSMENTS OF THE RUSSIAN WRITER A.A. TIKHONOV-LUGOVOY (based on the materials of the «Diary of a Free Man» and literary works)

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-3-168-179

УДК 821.161.1

ББК Ш33(2=411.2)6


Key words: revolution, writer, social movement, emperor, Russia, manifesto, government, society.

The attitude of the Russian literary intelligentsia to the revolutionary events in Russia at the beginning of the XX century remains an urgent problem of Russian historiography. This is largely due to the introduction in scientific circulation of new historical and literary materials, memoirs, and testimonies, which enable to examine in a more detailed way the range of opinions and assessments made by the Russian writers concerning the revolutionary processes in the country.

The purpose of the research is to study the views and assessments of the events of the First Russian Revolution of 1905–1907 made by a Russian writer A.A. Tikhonov-Lugovoy based on the «Diary of a Free Man» written by him and a number of literary works that reflected the features and specifics of that revolutionary era.

Materials and methods. The sources were the writer’s publications of the early XX century, first of all, the only issue of the literary and journalistic album «Mayak» published by him, where the «Diary of a Free Man» was published, as well as a dramatic poem in verse «Maximilian – the Emperor of Mexico» and a number of literary works of the writer. The main methods were historicism, objectivity, analysis and synthesis of materials from literary sources and social and political essays.

Research results. The Russian literary intelligentsia has always responded to the events taking place in the country. At the same time, Russian writers sought to comprehend the inner sources and causes of events and processes, the psychological and moral background of decision-making, positions of the power and social forces. A.A. Tikhonov-Lugovoy was distinguished by the fact that in his work, like no other, he sought to determine the deep socio-psychological characteristics of «the liberation movement heroes» and was one of the few who warned that an uncompromising struggle between the government and the social movement could lead the country to disaster. The writer called for a dialogue between the government and the society. He saw the key to further prosperous and progressive development of the country in the ability of public forces to support the progressive will of the emperor and gradually equip Russia for the benefit of both the state and the society.

Conclusions. Despite the sound positions of a number of public figures, including the Russian literary intelligentsia, the vector of the social movement tended to sharply oppose the government and the «liberation movement», which ultimately led the country to revolution.


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  2. Grabar’ I. E. Moya zhizn’. Avtomonografiya [My life. Automonography]. Moscow, Leningrad, Iskusstvo Publ., 1937, 375 p.
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  4. Lugovoi A. Dnevnik svobodnogo cheloveka [Diary of a free man]. Literaturno-publitsisticheskii sbornik. St. Petersburg, 1906, pp. 185–239.
  5. Lugovoi A.A. Listki iz avtobiografii [Sheets from autobiography]. Niva, 1909, no 6, pp. 114–117.
  6. Lugovoi A. Nashi dni. Semeinaya istoriya [Our days. Family history]. St. Petersburg, 1910, 158 p.
  7. Lyatskii E.A. Pamyati A.A. Lugovogo [In Memory of A. A. Lugovoy]. Golos minuvshego. Zhurnal istorii i istorii literatury, 1914, no. 12, pp. 258–264.
  8. Starikov S.V. Russkie pisateli Aleksei Lugovoi i Vladimir Tikhonov (Istoriko-literaturnye ocherki o znamenitykh tsarevokokshaitsakh) [Russian writers Alexey Lugovoy and Vladimir Tikhonov (Historical and literary essays on the famous tsarevokokshaytsy)]. Yoshkar-Ola, 2022, 404 p.
  9. Khrisanfov V.I. Luzhskii zatvornik. Stranitsy zhizni russkogo pisatelya A.A. Tikhonova-Lugovogo [The Luga recluse. Pages of the life of the Russian writer A.A. Tikhonov-Lugovoy]. St. Petersburg, Skifiya-print Publ., 2009, 240 p.

Information about the author

Sergey V. Starikov – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Russian History, Mari State University, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola (sv.starikov@yandex.ru).

For citations

Starikov S.V. THE REVOLUTION OF 1905–1907 IN THE ASSESSMENTS OF THE RUSSIAN WRITER A.A. TIKHONOV-LUGOVOY (based on the materials of the «Diary of a Free Man» and literary works). Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2024, no. 3, pp. 168–179. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-3-168-179 (in Russian).

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