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Nadezhda M. Drey, Ayrat G. Ziganshin, Georgi M. Mikheev

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-1-56-67

Key words

power supply system, reactive power compensation, capacitor battery, three-dimensional graph, higher harmonics, total harmonic factor of voltage components, algorithm, matrix.


In the power supply system of industrial enterprises with low installed capacity, a battery of cosine capacitors is used as reactive power compensation devices in most cases. However, in certain modes of operation in such a network due to the presence of electrical receivers, which generate the highest harmonics, there may be resonance phenomena. Therefore, in such a network you should know both the presence of harmonic components and their percentage.

It is known that according to GOST 32144-2013 it is necessary to take into account not only the individual harmonic components of the voltage of about 40 harmonics, but also the total ratio of these components. For this reason, the calculation of this parameter in the power supply system of consumers is an urgent task.

In this paper the principle of structure of the three-dimensional graph of the total factor of harmonic components of voltage is revealed. The arguments for the dependence of this factor on the most important parameters of the electrical network, such as system short-circuit power, capacitor bank, load consumption are given.

The authors have developed an algorithm for creating a three-dimensional graph of the total harmonic voltage components coefficient with the disclosure of the principles of its construction. As an example, the paper presents graphical dependencies: k= f(SК, QBK ); k= f(SК, PNG ); k= f(QBK , PNG).


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Information about the authors

Nadezhda M. Drey – Post-Graduate Student of Electric Power Industry Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (drey_nadezhda@mail.ru).

Ayrat G. Ziganshin – Post-Graduate Student of Electric Power Industry Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (ZiganshinAG@gridcom-rt.ru).

Georgi M. Mikheev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Electric Power Industry Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (mikheevg@rambler.ru).

For citations

Drey N.M., Ziganshin A.G., Mikheev G.M. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ALGORITHM FOR CREATING A THREE-DIMENSIONAL GRAPH OF THE TOTAL HARMONIC OF VOLTAGE COMPONENTS RATIO. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2021, no. 1, pp. 56–67. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-1-56-67 (in Russian).

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