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Vitaly P. Ivanov, Mudaris Kh. Safin

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-36-44

Key words

resettlement, the Bashkir territory, treaty, Belebey, Slakbash, archival sources, local history materials, genealogy, homeland of poetry.


Based on a wide range of archival sources and local history information, the article is the first to explore the under-investigated controversial issues of the origin of a famous Chuvash village Slakbash in Bashkiria – the birthplace of brilliant Chuvash poets Konstantin Ivanov and Yakov Ukhsay. Special attention is paid to the features of the Chuvash peasants’ migration to the Bashkir region in the 18th–19th centuries, the history of their founding the village of Belebeyevo, which became the uyezd town of Belebey in 1718. The article considers several versions of the origin of Slakbash, some of them are evaluated by the authors as scientifically unsound. Based on newly identified historical data, the authors found that the population of Slakbash was made up of people from the village of Belebeevo, as well as immigrants from more than ten Chuvash villages of the modern Chuvash Republic. The article deals with the origins of the family of K.V. Ivanov and Ya.G. Ukhsay, who were second cousins and descendants of one ancestor – Anton Danilov, a native of the village of Baigildino in the present Kanash region of the Chuvash Republic. There he was taken into account during the II revision (1745), and the III revision (1763) recorded him already in Bashkiria – in the village of Belebeevo, in 1781 he was recorded among the first settlers of Slakbash. In conclusion, the article provides information about the socio-cultural characteristics of Slakbash in the late 19th – early 20th centuries.


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Information about the authors

Vitaly P. Ivanov – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher, Chuvash State Institute of Humanitarian Sciences, Russia, Cheboksary (Vitali.etno@mail.ru).

Mudaris Kh. Safin – Local Historian, Member of the National Academy of Sciences and arts of the Chuvash Republic, Russia, Sterlitamak.

For citations

Ivanov V.P., Safin M.Kh. HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT CHUVASH VILLAGE SLAKBASH. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2020, no. 4, pp. 36–44. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-36-44 (in Russian).

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