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Andrei V. Mankov, Andrei I. Paberzs

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-77-85

Key words

Simbirsk, civil war, Simbirsk Volga region, “Renaissance”, People’s Army, Komuch (Committee of the Constituent Assembly’s Members).


In July 1918 the People’s Army of Komuch and Czechoslovak volunteers occupied Simbirsk. The active phase of the civil war both in the Middle Volga region and in Russia as a whole took on new forms of socio-political struggle. For several months, the Bolsheviks in the province, having left Simbirsk, were forced to defend themselves. During this time, the city was governed by a military administration consisting of officers of the Czechoslovak corps and members of the Komuch. This historical period in the region was called “Renaissance” by some of its contemporaries. During these days, representatives of various Russian political parties were active in Simbirsk: the Mensheviks, the social revolutionaries, and the cadets. Among the figures of the bourgeois “Renaissance” in Simbirsk Volga region, there were many famous figures of the Russian culture in the region, both then and now, as well as talented people forgotten in our days: writers, poets, and journalists. Among those who fell into the epicenter of the turbulent political processes that took place in the region were S.G. Skitalets, S.G. ­Gortinsky­, M.P. Kistanov, N.S. Okhotin, and others. The authors explore the activities of a number of literary figures in Simbirsk after the defeat of the Bolsheviks in the region, and also tell about their fate after the defeat of the Czechoslovak Legion and restoration of the Soviet power in Simbirsk.


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Information about the authors

Andrei V. Mankov – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities and Social and Economic Disciplines, Military Academy of Communications named after S.M. Budenny, Russia, St. Petersburg (63donetsk@mail.ru).

Andrei I. Paberzs – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social and Economic Disciplines, Military Academy of Communications named after S.M. Budenny, Russia, St. Petersburg (kvn-baltika@mail.ru).

For citations

Mankov A.V., Paberzs A.I. LITERARY FIGURES OF «SIMBIRSK RENAISSANCE». Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2020, no. 4, pp. 77–85. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-77-85 (in Russian).

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