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NATIONAL MEDIA-LANDSCAPE AS A FACTOR TO PRESERVE THE ETHNIC IDENTITY (on the example of Chuvash-speaking mass media in Bashkortostan)

Fail G. Safin, Elvira A. Mukhtasarova, Aigul I. Khaliulina

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-147-158

Key words

mass media, subscription, periodicals, Chuvashia, Bashkortostan, mass media, circulation, the Chuvash language, readers.


In this article, on the basis of materials of archive of the State book chamber of the Republic of Bashkortostan, administration of Ufa Federal postal communication service of the Republic of Bashkortostan – branch of FSPA “Mail of Russia”, as well as data from the current archives of a number of areas with compact settlement of the Chuvash population the authors carried out the study of national-linguistic needs of the Chuvash in the field of printed products. In two regions – Aurgazinsky and Bizhbulyaksky – with a high proportion of the Chuvash, newspapers in the Chuvash language are published. In other regions, in order to meet their national-language needs, the Chuvash population subscribes to periodicals from the Republic of Chuvashia in the Chuvash language.

The range of such periodicals represented a wide range of genres according to the interests. If teachers and educators of Chuvash schools in Bashkortostan mostly subscribed to educational and methodical literature in the Chuvash language, a significant part of subscribers preferred newspapers and magazines about the life and everyday routine of their fellow-countrymen in the Republic of the same name.

During the period of perestroika of the Soviet society in October 1989, Bashkortostan started publishing a Republican newspaper in the Chuvash language “Ural Sassi” (“Voice of the Urals”) with a frequency of once a week, which received a massive demand among the Chuvash population of the Republic. The analysis of subscriptions to periodicals in the Chuvash language in the Republic of Bashkortostan at the present stage shows that the Chuvash population reads less in the language of the mother ethnic group in favor of reading newspapers and magazines in the Russian language.


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  5. Safin F.G., Mukhtasarova E.A., Khaliulina A.I. Etnodemograficheskie i etnoyazykovye problemy chuvashskogo naseleniya Bashkortostana [Ethnodemographic and aceasiations of problems of the Chuvash population of Bashkortostan Republic]. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2018, no. 4, pp. 152–164.
  6. Safin F.G., Mukhtasarova E.A., Khaliulina A.I. Razvitie chuvashskogo yazyka v sfere shkol’­nogo obrazovaniya v Bashkortostane [Development of the Chuvash language in the sphere of school education in Bashkortostan]. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2019, no. 4, pp. 169–182.
  7. Tekushchii arkhiv otdeleniya Pochty Rossii Aurgazinskogo raiona Bashkortostana [Current archive of the Russian Post office of the Aurgazinsky district of Bashkortostan].
  8. Tekushchii arkhiv otdeleniya Pochty Rossii Belebeevskogo raiona Bashkortostana [Current archive of the Russian Post office of the Belebeyevsky district of Bashkortostan].
  9. Tekushchii arkhiv otdeleniya Pochty Rossii Bizhbulyakskogo raiona Bashkortostana [Current archive of the Russian Post office of the Bizhbulyak district of Bashkortostan].
  10. Tekushchii arkhiv otdeleniya Pochty Rossii Karmaskalinskogo raiona Bashkorto-stana [Current archive of the Russian Post office in the Karmaskalinsky district of Bashkortostan].
  11. Tekushchii arkhiv sel’skogo otdeleniya pochtovoi svyazi Yumashevo Chekmagushevskogo raiona Bashkortostana [The current archive of rural post offices Umasheva Chekmagushevsky region of Bashkortostan].
  12. Tekushchii arkhiv Upravleniya federal’noi pochtovoi svyazi Respubliki Bashkortostan – filial federal’nogo gosudarstvennogo unitarnogo predpriyatiya «Pochta Ros-sii» [ Current archive of the Federal postal service Of the Republic of Bashkortostan-branch of the Federal state unitary enterprise «Russian Post»].
  13. Tekushchii arkhiv Gosudarstvennoy televizionnoy i radioveshchatel’noy kompaniia «Bashkor­tostan» – filial VGTRK Respubliki Bashkortostan [The state television and radio broadcasting company «Bashkortostan» is a branch of the VGTRK of the Republic of Bashkortostan].

Information about the authors

Fail G. Safin – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief Scientific Employee of the Department of Ethnopolitology, Institute of Ethnological Studies named after R.G. Kuzeev of Ufa Federal Research Center of Russian Academy of Science; Professor, Department of Philosophy, History and Social Engineering, Ufa State Oil Technical University, Russia, Ufa (failsafin@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4862-1386).

Elvira A. Mukhtasarova – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Sciences, Branch of Ufa State Oil Technical University in Oktyabrsky, Russia, Oktyabrsky (mux.elvira@yandex.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7219-5113).

Aigul I. Khaliulina – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Ethnopolitology, Institute of Ethnological Studies named after R.G. Kuzeev of Ufa Federal Research Center of Russian Academy of Science, Russia, Ufa (aygul_kamila@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6556-8268).

For citations

Safin F.G., Mukhtasarova E.A., Khaliulina A.I. NATIONAL MEDIA-LANDSCAPE AS A FACTOR TO PRESERVE THE ETHNIC IDENTITY (on the example of Chuvash-speaking mass media in Bashkortostan). Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2020, no. 4, pp. 147–158. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-147-158 (in Russian).

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