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Elena A. Omelchenko

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-2-142-157

Key words

international migrants, children from migrants’ families, adaptation via education, ethnic migrants, migration processes, ethnic identity, national and ethnic policy, linguistic, social and cultural adaptation, integration of migrants, Russian civic identity.


The problems of adaptation and integration of ethnic migrants into the Russian society become more and more acute, due to the intensification of migration processes in the modern world and the involvement of the Russian Federation in them. Nearly 38 million children participate in the international migration, and many of them meet difficulties with the access to qualitative education, and have to pass through an enduring and tricky way of linguistic, cultural, social and psychological adaptation. The structure of conventional cultural and communicative, natural and geographical contacts, interactions of a child with his family and relatives is destroying, a child is stressed and experiences the crisis of identity, has to rethink and reinvent values and social regulations. The listed problems contribute to the increase of social disadaptation of ethnic migrants’ children; generate the situation of their potential failure in the future. Inside the society, accepting migrants, these problems complicate the structure of interethnic relations and links, and sometimes it becomes a ground for inter-ethnic tension.

In the Russian Federation, the problem of adaptation of children from the families of ethnic migrants also becomes quite urgent, especially in the sphere of education. The author of the article has been researching this theme during the latest 20 years, and in 2019–2020 this research is made in the frames of the project “Integration of the children of ethnic migrants’ families via education: the methodical and consultative support of schools and kindergartens in the regions of the Russian Federation”, where 32 educational organizations in ten regions participate. The article illustrates a series of problems connected with the adaptation of migrant children, using the materials of the research made in the Ryazan’ and Kaluga regions. These children are mostly migrants of one-and-a-half or the second generation, and their families came to Russia from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. Several paragraphs refer to the problems of adaptation to school of the Gypsy children. Basing on the results of the analysis, the author names main restrictions that prevent schools from the organization of intensive work aimed at linguistic, social and cultural adaptation of ethnic migrants’ children. She also defines main problems restraining the integration of the children from ethnic migrants’ families into the Russian educational environment and Russian society.


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Information about the author

Elena A. Omelchenko – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Director, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education, Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), Russia, Moscow (ea.omelchenko@mpgu.su, etno1@dol.ru).

For citations

Omelchenko E.A. CHILDREN FROM MIGRANTS’ FAMILIES IN RYAZAN’ AND KALUGA REGIONS: PROBLEMS OF INTEGRATION INTO RUSSIAN SOCIETY. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2021, no. 2, pp. 142–157. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-2-142-157 (in Russian).

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