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Rustem A. Idrisov

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-2-78-86

Key words

prosecutor’s office, the Chuvash Republic, historical stages, macrosocial process, state authorities.


The article is the first attempt to periodize the history of the modern activities performed by the prosecution authorities of the Chuvash Republic. The methodological basis for singling out the individual stages of this process is its study in the context of macrosocial processes. The use of this approach enables to carry out an interdisciplinary study of individual facts and events in the modern history of the Prosecutor’s Office of Chuvashia. In this case, it is possible to analyze them in conjunction with the general trends in the development of the state and the law of the country in the period under review, the personal contribution of the heads and employees of the prosecutor’s office, and the social changes that took place in society.

The novelty of the study is that the proposed periodization in the modern history of the prosecution authorities of Chuvashia is carried out for the first time. In addition, the use of macrosocial processes context in historical research is also new; it has made it possible to use statutory instruments more widely as sources. Without their consideration, periodization of the activities carried out by law enforcement agencies, which include the Prosecutor’s Office, will not be sufficiently justified.

The results of the study consist in separating three main stages in the activity of the Chuvash Republic prosecution authorities in the modern period: 1) 1991–1999; 2) 2000–2009; 3) 2010–2020. All of them have distinctive features that have become the basis for this separation. These features reflect both global social and political processes that took place in the country in these three decades, and particular regional changes that took place in the life of the republic. This interrelation is also a consequence of the very status of the prosecution authorities, which, on the one hand, have the character of federal authorities, and on the other hand, directly influence and are influenced by regional development processes. The most illustrative features characterizing the stages in the modern history of Chuvashia’s prosecution authorities are considered in the text of the article, which sets out the author’s conclusions.

The conducted research has a high degree of practical significance and prospects for continuing this work. The author is a member of the research group analyzing the history of the Chuvash Republic prosecution authorities in connection with celebrating their 100th anniversary. Therefore, a number of conclusions proposed in this article have the general character of methodological recommendations aimed at preparing a general monographic publication on the topic of the study.


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Information about the author

Rustem A. Idrisov – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of History and Culture of Foreign Countries, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (ridrisov21@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4737-0589).

For citations

Idrisov R.A. THE MAIN STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROSECUTION AUTHORITIES OF THE CHUVASH REPUBLIC IN THE MODERN PERIOD. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2021, no. 2, pp. 78–86. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-2-78-86 (in Russian).

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