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Gennadiy E. Kornilov

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-2-112-119

Key words

ethnolinguistics, lithosphere, noosphere, geographical nomenclature terms, historical layers of toponyms ending on ‑lei/‑lyai, sources and components of the area.


The purpose of the scientific article is to establish the main historical sources of the inventory and subsequent comparative-historical interpretation of geographical names in the Oka and Sura regions, to compare three approaches to this problem, reflected in the works of well-known scientists: historian I.K. Engevatov, linguists G.P. Smolitskaya and D.V. Tsy­gankin. The results of the study in practical terms are designed to: 1) to enrich and update the relevant articles on onomatology and comparative studies of Finno-Ugric scholars, Turkologists and Slavists; 2) to clarify the views of historians and ethnologists/ ethno­graphers about specific moments of ethnic and linguistic contacts in Eastern Europe (in the Oka and the Sura regions). The results of the research in the future should initiate new works devoted to a particular class of geographical nomenclature terms in the historical perspective within the boundaries of the Slavic, Finno-Ugric and Turkic languages.


  1. Nikonov V.A., Tsygankin D.V., ed., Inzhevatov I.K. Toponimicheskij slovar’ Mordovskoj ASSR. Nazvanija naselennyh punktov. 2-e izd., dop. i ispr. [Toponymic dictionary of the Mordovian ASSR. Names of settlements. 2nd]. Saransk, Mordovia Publ. House, 1987, 264 p.
  2. Kornilov G.E., Molnieva M.V., Obzhogin A.A. Istoricheskiy slovar’ toponimov Simbirskoi gubernii (1859–1913 gg.) [Historical Dictionary of Toponyms of Simbirsk Province (1859–1913)]. Cheboksary, Chuvash State University Publ., 2016, 288 p.
  3. Kornilov G.E. Etnotoponimiya respublik Povolzh’ya (Bashkortostan, Komi, Mariy El, Mordoviya, Tatarstan, Udmurtiya, Chuvashiya) – XLII: A-anlautnye geograficheskie nazvaniya [Ethnic toponyms in Volga region republics (Bashkir, Komi, Mari, Mordva, Tatar, Udmurt, Chuvash republics) – XXXII: A-names of places]. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2013, no. 4, pp. 230–235.
  4. Smolickaja G.P. Gidronimija bassejna Oki (spisok rek i ozer) [Hydronymy of the Oka basin (list of rivers and lakes)]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1976, 404 p.
  5. Cygankin D.V. Pamjat’, zapechatlennaja v slove: slovar’ geograficheskih nazvanij Respubliki Mordovija [Memory, embodied in the word: Dictionary of Geographical Names of the Republic of Mordovia]. Saransk, 2004, 430 p.

Information about the author

Gennadiy E. Kornilov – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of Russian Language and Literature Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (gennkorn@rambler.ru).

For citations

Kornilov G.E. THREE SOURCES – THREE COMPONENTS IN THE AREA OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ENDING ON ‑LEI/‑LYAI. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2021, no. 2, pp. 112–119. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2021-2-112-119 (in Russian).

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