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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2022-1-65-72

УДК 621.3.025.3

ББК 31.27-01


Key words

three-phase AC systems, E. Clarke and R.H. Park coordinate transformations, hypercomplex space, current and voltage quaternions, state-space coordinates


Among the variety of modern approaches to the mathematical description of the power quality indicators during the processes of transmission, distribution, conversion and calculation of the ac electric power, the representation of three-phase models in the form of a purely imaginary quaternion located in a separate subspace of the four-dimensional hypercomplex space allows, in relation to the generally accepted method of analyzing linear circuits, for example, symmetrical components with the selection of a direct, reverse and zero phase sequence for the fundamental harmonic, to take into a more complete account the features of energy consumption, especially in the presence of distortion in the modified forms of harmonic signals. In addition, the division of the quaternion into scalar (real) and partial (imaginary) makes it possible to significantly simplify the subsequent analytical processing of synthesis of a power converters control signals for active filtering and power supply of autonomous loads of an arbitrary type, including a single-phase configuration, by extracting from its composition individual components responsible for both the amplitude-phase asymmetry and the nonlinearity of the characteristics.

The main algorithmic principles of organizing control structures as part of three-phase systems of various functional purposes, as a rule, are based on the conversion of reference signals and current values ​​of measured currents and voltages into state coordinates obtained by rotating the three-dimensional space plane by a given angle. At the same time, the calculated ratios for the numerical determination of the initial variables transformed by rotation in the quaternion basis are a function of only four kinematic parameters, which, other things being equal, leads to a simplification of the control law in relation to the traditional vector-matrix approach using nine direction cosines with six connection equations. In this regard, this paper is devoted to the applied problems of implementing linear transformations by E. Clarke and R.H. Park in terms of four-dimensional hypercomplex numbers, in compliance with the additional requirement of the invariance of scalar quantities after the transition.


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Information about the authors

Aleksandr V. Korovin – Academic Degree Candidate, Technological Machinery Design Department, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia, Novosibirsk (a_v_k87@bk.ru).

Ivan V. Aleksandrov – Post-Graduate Student, Department of Technological Machinery Design, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia, Novosibirsk (alexandrov.i2018@gmail.com; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3976-349X).

For citations

Korovin А.V., Aleksandrov I.V. COORDINATE TRANSFORMATIONS OF THREE-PHASE VARIABLES USING QUATERNIONS. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2022, no. 1, pp. 65–72. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2022-1-65-72 (in Russian).

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