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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2022-3-45-52

УДК 621.313.13-251:51

ББК З291.53в631

Aleksandr A. AFANASYEV, Valeriy S. GENIN, Nadezhda N. IVANOVA

Key words

motor, magnet, induction, magnetic field, Laplace’s equation, system of equations, Maxima package


An analytical method for calculating the magnetic field of a magnetoelectric valve motor is considered based on the division of its active region into a set of geometrically homogeneous sheets, at the boundaries of which the conditions for conjugating their magnetic fields are met: scalar magnetic potentials and normal components of magnetic induction do not undergo a jump (break). As sources of the magnetic field, in addition to permanent magnets and currents of the stator winding, the magnetization of ferromagnetic sections of its magnetic circuit is provided.

When using the Fourier method of separation of variables, the conjugation conditions will be reduced to solving a system of linear equations to find the corresponding constants. The solution of the system of parametric equations describing the design scheme of the inductor of a slotless magnetoelectric valve motor is given, in general terms using the Maxima analytical (symbolic) calculation package. The solution obtained makes it possible to use the results to describe the magnetic potentials and inductions of valve motors of various design geometries.


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Information about the authors

Aleksandr A. Afanasyev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Automation and Control in Technical Systems, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (afan39@mail.ru).

Valeriy S. Genin – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Automation and Control in Technical Systems, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (v.s.genin@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9086-0906).

Nadezhda N. Ivanova – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical and Hardware Support of Information Systems, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (niva_mail@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7130-8588).

For citations

Afanasyev A.A., Genin V.S., Ivanova N.N. ANALYTICAL CALCULATIONS AT THE COMB OF A MAGNETOELECTRIC VALVE MOTOR BY THE METHOD OF VARIABLE SEPARATION. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2022, no. 3, pp. 45–52. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2022-3-45-52 (in Russian).

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