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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2022-4-22-30

УДК 316.343-057.875:314.018(47+57)«2020»

ББК С543.172(2Рос.Чув):С721.11(2Рос)«2020»

Alexander V. GRIGORIEV, Aleksey V. KARPOV,

Key words

the All-Russian Population Census 2020, ethnicity, the native language, students of Chuvashia


The relevance of the research lies in the fact that this article is one of the first in the last decade that is devoted to the study of metadata of the All-Russian Population Census of 2020. Its purpose is to study the attitude of students to the organization of the census, the structure and content of the questionnaire, forms of participation. The scientific novelty of the work is that it is the first study of the attitude of students enrolled in two universities of the Chuvash Republic to the organization of the 2020 census.

The survey of 300 young people showed no complaints about the census organization. Various points of view were expressed about the importance of the information obtained during the population censuses. The most popular among young people was participation in the event through an entry on the portal “Public Services”. The survey materials showed that for students of Chuvash nationality, data on nationality are more important than for students of Russian nationality. The Chuvash turned out to be more active participants in the census. Students reacted favorably or neutrally to the opportunity to indicate their belonging to more than one nationality and one native language during the census. At this, about a third stated that their native languages are Chuvash and Russian, which is unusual for an official survey conducted by the state.

The study results are of great practical importance and will be taken into account in the future when organizing upcoming activities on the population census.


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Information about the authors

Alexander V. Grigoriev – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Document Science, Information Resources and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (gavpost@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7530-7937).

Aleksey V. Karpov – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Document Science, Information Resources and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (alekkarp@yandex.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0770-5129).

Alina L. Muzyakova – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Document Science, Information Resources and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (alinasmirnova@list.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0007-5518).

Vladimir G. Tkachenko – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Document Science, Information Resources and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines, Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russia (vlagletka@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4111-404X).

For citations

Grigoriev A.V., Karpov A.V., Muzyakova A.L., Tkachenko V.G. STUDENTS OF CHUVASHIA ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN POPULATION CENSUS IN 2020 AND ETHNO-CULTURAL ISSUES. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2022, no. 4, pp. 22–30. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2022-4-22-30 (in Russian).

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