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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-1-83-92

УДК 94/470.344”1941|1945/355/244


Valentina G. KhARITONOVA

Key words

mass political propaganda, the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, Chuvashia, forms and methods of work with the population


The purpose of this study is the organization and implementation of political and mass agitation work among the population of the Chuvash Republic during the Great Patriotic War. The study of this problem is relevant due to the need to rethink the daily life and public consciousness of the population during the war years, the introduction of new sources into scientific circulation, has a popular character at the present stage and practical significance. This topic has not been widely covered in regional historical work. Materials and methods. The work was carried out using the method of historical analysis, which allows us to comprehensively consider the situation and show the features and difficulties of carrying out ideological work during the war years on the territory of Chuvashia. The research is based on archival sources, as well as memoirs and publications in the media. The results of the study. The article examines the activities of the party and Soviet bodies of Chuvashia to establish propaganda and agitation work during the Great Patriotic War, forms and methods of work with the population, the role of the mass media in patriotic education and mobilization of the population. The main thesis of the restructuring of ideological work was its translation into a military way. A brief analysis of the work of lecturers, agitators is given, the sources on which mass political work was based are indicated. A common, and one of the new forms of ideological work, was the exchange of letters between the front and the rear. At the same time, attention was paid to methods of persuasion, taking into account national traditions: friendship of peoples, mutual assistance and the use of native languages. Conclusions. The main tasks facing the party and state authorities, agitators and propagandists, the formation and maintenance of the patriotic and spiritual impulse of the population of the republic have been achieved. Despite the complex and ambiguous socio-political situation, a lot of organizational work to implement the basic forms and methods of political and mass work in the harsh war years in the republic have become effective mechanisms of persuasion and mobilization of the population. The research materials can be used in scientific and teaching activities, patriotic education of young people.


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Information about the author

Valentina G. Kharitonova – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Chuvash State Institute of Humanities, Cheboksary, Russia (val1957@rambler.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7930-9072).

For citations

Kharitonova V.G. PROPAGANDA AND AGITATION WORK IN CHUVASHIA DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2023, no. 1, pp. 83–92. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-1-83-92 (in Russian).

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