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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-2-128-137

УДК 621.313.3

ББК 31.261.63


Key words

adjustable DC electric drive, DC motor of independent excitation, current loop, current regulator, speed loop, speed controller, synthesis of electric drive control circuits


An important advantage of subordinate coordinate control systems is that the adjustment of the regulators is performed independently and sequentially from the internal contour to the external one. The approximation of a semiconductor electric power converter by a continuous dynamic link makes it possible to analytically investigate the dynamics of a regulated electric drive and to evaluate the optimal parameters of regulators that provide the maximum dynamic performance of the electric drive.

The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for the direct synthesis method of regulated electric drives with limiting dynamic parameters, performed according to the system of subordinate coordinate regulation.

Materials and methods. Based on the analysis of dynamic processes, mathematical and simulation models of an adjustable electric drive have been developed. The dynamics of the electric drive is described by the differential equation of the third row. The theory of differential equations was applied in the work, operator methods of system representation, direct methods of synthesis of automatic control systems were used. Calculations were performed in the MATLAB Simulink programming environment.

The results of the study. The normalization of the differential equation of the regulated electric drive allowed the equation parameters to be associated with the shape of the transition characteristic curve and the parameters of the speed controller. The exact values of these parameters have been established, providing the best forms of transients under control actions and load disturbances. It is proposed to use a proportional-integral regulator to optimize the processes through the disturbance channel, and to optimize the control processes – to introduce a passive link at the channel input by the control action. At the same time, an independent adjustment of the velocity contour to the optimum for both types of exposure is ensured. Modeling processes in the MATLAB Simulink programming environment completely coincide with the indicators given in well-known works.

Conclusions. The developed method of synthesis of doubly integrating electric drive systems made it possible to establish the analytical relationship between the parameters of the speed controller and the shape of the transition characteristic curve under control actions and under load disturbances.

To independently adjust the velocity contour to the optimum for both types of impact, it is proposed to use a PI controller to optimize the processes by the perturbation channel, and to optimize the control processes – to introduce a passive link at the channel input by the control action.

In the course of simulation modeling, it was found that the quality indicators of the transition process of the velocity contour completely coincide with the indicators used in known works.


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Information about the author

Grigory P. Okhotkin – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Radioelectronics and Automatics, Head of Department of Automation and Management in Technical Systems, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (elius@list.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9410-7380).

For citations

Okhotkin G.P. DEVELOPMENT OF THE METHOD OF DIRECT SYNTHESIS OF ADJUSTABLE DC ELECTRIC DRIVE. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2023, no. 2, pp. 128–137. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-2-128-137 (in Russian).

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