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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-3-160-169

УДК 796.062:061.23«Урожай»(470.344)«197»:796.814

ББК Ч547.641«Урожай»(2Рос.Чув)63:Ч571.167

Aleksandr N. URMAEV, Andrey A. DANILOV

Key words

sambo, rural athletes, evolvement and development, voluntary sports society “Urozhai”, the Chuvash ASSR


According to archival sources, in the 1960s, following integration at the All-Russian level of the VSC “Kolkhoznik” and the VSC “Urozhai” in the Chuvash ASSR, these sports societies were also reorganized. At this, it should be noted that among the most popular and highly-demanded sports among the rural youth were various types of wrestling, among which a special place was occupied by sambo wrestling, which embodied all the best of the national types of wrestling of the peoples of the USSR. Taking into account the tasks to be solved facing the newly created VSC, sambo optimally approached their implementation due to its pronounced applied nature. However, as evidenced by the retrospective analysis of archival data, issues about the evolvement and development of domestic wresting among workers of the republican agrarian sector remain unexplored in the regional historiography, which determines the relevance of the research undertaken.

The purpose of the study is to identify the stages of evolvement and development of sambo in the republican VSC “Urozhai”.

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the historical aspects in sambo evolvement and development in the sports society of agricultural workers was carried out on the basis of data from republican archives, information from regional periodicals, as well as publications of scientific and methodological literature. The main research methods were analysis and generalization of data from archival sources, publications in periodicals, information from scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources. For the first time, some historical aspects of sambo evolvement and development stages in the republican VSC “Urozhai” are investigated, and their boundaries are theoretically outlined.

Study results. A brief historical overview covering evolvement and development of sambo in the VSC “Urozhai” of the Chuvash ASSR during the 1970s is presented. Some statistical data are given that give an idea of the dynamics of sambo development in the VSC “Urozhai”. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the results obtained eliminate gaps in the regional history of sports and can be used for preparing various textbooks of a sports and historical nature and in training specialists in physical education in regional vocational education institutions of various levels. The prospects of the research are that the results obtained can be used in generalization and systematization of information on evolvement and development of sports cultivated in the Chuvash Republic.

Conclusions. On the basis of a retrospective analysis of research materials and statistical data on the dynamics showing the increase in the number of trainees in sambo sections in the republican VSC “Urozhai”, the stages of its evolvement and development are theoretically substantiated and differentiated.


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Information about the authors

Aleksandr N. Urmaev – Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (urmaev.alexandr@yandex.ru).

Andrey A. Danilov – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Journalism, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (danilov.andrey@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7083-417X).

For citations

Urmaev A.N., Danilov A.A. EVOLVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF SAMBO IN THE VOLUNTARY SPORTS SOCIETY “UROZHAI” OF THE CHUVASH ASSR (1970s). Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2023, no. 3, pp. 160–169. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-3-160-169 (in Russian).

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