DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-3-62-72
УДК 930.1
ББК 63.2
Key words
methodist-historian, textbooks, historical education, conservative, monarchist
Russia has long been famous for the names of famous scientists, teachers who left a noticeable imprint in Russian history. A worthy place among them is occupied by D.I. Ilovaisky.
The purpose of the study is to study the scientist’s creative heritage in the field of school historical education.
Materials and methods. When working with historical works of D.I. Ilovaisky, as well as with his history textbooks for schoolchildren of different ages, both general scientific methods were used – analysis, synthesis, generalization, and special methods – historical-genetic, historical-comparative, which made it possible to objectively assess the contribution of a scientist and teacher to historical science.
Study results. The main stages of D.I. Ilovaisky’s life path are analyzed as well as his formation as a professional historian, who proposed original, sometimes controversial theories that caused patchy responses in the historical community. The main historical works of the scientist were studied, in which the author substantiated in detail the so-called “Roksolan” theory of the ancient Russian state’s origin. The contribution of the scientist to the development of local lore is studied. The educational and methodological materials of D.I. Ilovaisky on history for schoolchildren are examined. The discussion among historians-practitioners about the textbooks of D.I. Ilovaisky is thoroughly considered. Special attention is paid to the disclosure of the scientist’s position on the role of historical education in school practice.
Conclusions. Comprehensive and complex analysis of the activities carried out by D.I. Ilovaisky in the field of school historical education makes it possible to understand and realize the importance of history as a science and as an academic discipline in forming the civic consciousness of the younger generation.
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Information about the author
Gennady N. Kocheshkov – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Russian History, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, Russia, Yaroslavl (; ORCID:
For citations
Kocheshkov G.N. HISTORIAN D.I. ILOVAISKY IN SCHOOL PRACTICE. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2023, no. 3, pp. 62–72. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-3-62-72 (in Russian).
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