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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-3-94-103

УДК 37.0(470.344)

ББК 74.03(2Рос.Чув)


Key words

education, charitable activity, the Talantsev brothers, patrons, the beginning of the XX century, the Chuvash Region


The article analyzes the contribution of famous entrepreneurs of the Chuvash region, the Talantsev brothers – Nikolai Mikhailovich, Mikhail Mikhailovich and Zinovy Mikhailovich – to the development of the education system in the late XIX – early XX century.

In pre-revolutionary Russia at the beginning of the XX century, charitable activities are expanding in the business environment. A considerable part of the country’s educated business elite considered it inhumane and undignified to do business only for the sake of making a profit and tried to direct part of their funds to charity. Alms-houses, shelters for the elderly and children, hospitals and night shelters were opened at their expense. Sponsorship of educational institutions of various levels occupied a significant place in the patronage of such entrepreneurs. Such entrepreneurs included well-known merchants and production workers, the Talantsev brothers. Studying the experience of their charitable activities in the education system makes it possible to assess the contribution of the Talantsev brothers to the development of education in the region, to understand the spirit of entrepreneurs of pre-revolutionary Russia.

The main purpose of the research is to study the contribution of the Talantsev brothers, well-known entrepreneurs and patrons in the Volga region, to the development of education in the Chuvash Region and beyond.

Materials and methods. The main methods for the analysis were historical-genetic, problem-chronological and retrospective methods, which made it possible, based on the methodological principles of historicism, consistency and objectivity, to analyze source materials – archival documents and special scientific literature on the subject, to comprehensively consider the problems posed.

Study results. Based on a systematic analysis of source materials, the article discusses the first steps in the charitable activities of Yadrin entrepreneurs, known far beyond the Chuvash Region – the Talantsev brothers – Nikolai Mikhailovich, Mikhail Mikhailovich, Zinovy Mikhailovich – at the end of the late XIX – early XX century XIX century. The contribution of the Talantsev brothers to the development of primary and primary vocational education at the beginning of the late XIX – early XX century XX century is studied. Their role in opening a non-classical secondary school and a girls’ gymnasium in Yadrin aimed at forming needful vocational and gymnasium education in the region is analyzed. The main forms and directions of sponsor support in the field of education by patrons of the Talantsevs were studied. The role of the youngest of the brothers, Z.M. Talantsev, in opening Nizhny Novgorod People’s University, in the evolvement of its chemical faculty is considered.

Conclusion. The conclusion is made about a worthy contribution of well-known large entrepreneurs in the Volga region, patrons the Talantsev brothers to the development of primary school, vocational, gymnasium and higher education.


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Information about the author

Elizaveta M. Mikhailova – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (Branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation, Russia, Cheboksary (lizamem@yandex.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6035-9571).

For citations

Mikhailova E.M. PATRONS IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM: THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE TALANTSEV BROTHERS TO ITS DEVELOPMENT. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2023, no. 3, pp. 94–103. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2023-3-94-103 (in Russian).

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