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DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-2-54-66

УДК 519.612.4


Alexander Yu. IVANITSKIY, Mikhail V. KISELEV, Marina V. VASILKOVA, Vladimir V. EJOV

Key words

D-pseudosolutions, measures of inconsistency, Fredholm integral equations of the first kind in engineering problems, pointwise residual method, estimate of approximate solutions


The research purpose is to develop and fully mathematically justify a stable method for finding a normal D-pseudosolution of inconsistency systems of linear algebraic equations with approximate data.

Materials and methods. The paper uses an analogue of the Weirstrass theorem from the theory of optimization methods and the concept of norms in finite-dimensional spaces and extended version of Hoffman’s lemma to determine the distance from an arbitrary point to a polyhedron.

Research results. The article proposes an ideologically simple, reliable and stable method – the pointwise residual method for finding D-pseudosolutions and measures of inconsistency of systems of linear algebraic equations, obtained during the approximation of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, which describe a number of engineering tasks. To use this method, it is enough to know information of approximate data and estimates of their error. The convergence theorem of the method is proved and estimate of the convergence rate of the method of the same order as that of setting errors in the initial data is obtained. The method is optimal in order.

Conclusions. A new stable method for numerically finding a normal D-pseudosolution of systems of linear algebraic equations with approximate data in the absence of information about their solvability is proposed. This method is nonparametric and requires one time solving an optimization problem with piecewise linear constraints, and in some cases solving a quadratic programming problem.


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Information about the authors

Alexander Yu. Ivanitskiy – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (ivanitskiy@hotmail.com).

Mikhail V. Kiselev – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Neuromorphic Computing Laboratory, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (mikhail.kiselev@kaspersky.com).

Marina V. Vasilkova – Head of the Center for the Development of Modern Competencies of Children «House of Scientific Collaboration named by S.A. Abrukov», Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (vasilkovam@mail.ru).

Vladimir V. Ejov – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Flinders University of South Australia, Australia, Adelaida; Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow (ejovvl@gmail.com).

For citations

Ivanitskiy A.Yu., Kiselev M.V., Vasilkova M.V., Ejov V.V. STABLE METHOD FOR FINDING NORMAL D-PSEUDOSOLUTIONS OF SYSTEMS OF LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS WITH APPROXIMATE DATA AND MEASURES OF THEIR INCONSISTENCY. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2024, no. 2, pp. 54–66. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-2-54-66 (in Russian).

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