DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-2-116-129
УДК 621.5: 62-5(681.5)
ББК 31.261.2
Key words
tracking electric drive, tracking system, single-circuit tracking system, position controller, synthesis of position contours, virtual device, simulation model, LabVIEW
The dynamic properties of single-circuit tracking electric drives (SEP) based on DC motors for aircraft steering systems have been studied. The maximum dynamic indicators can be provided by adjusting the structure of the tracking system, taking into account the control and disturbing influences.
The purpose of the study is to develop a direct method for the synthesis of a tracking electric drive, algorithms and programs for evaluating the dynamic properties of the system.
The scientific novelty consists in the development of analytical and machine direct methods for the synthesis of parameters of position regulators, taking into account the control and disturbing influences and a simulation model of the tracking system.
Materials and methods. Based on the analysis of dynamic processes, mathematical and simulation models of a single-circuit tracking system with proportional and proportional-integral position controllers, as well as virtual devices for machine synthesis and evaluation of dynamic properties of a tracking electric drive have been developed. The theory of differential equations, the theory of modeling and control were used in the work, operator methods of representing systems were used, calculations were performed in the LabVIEW programming environment.
The results of the study. Mathematical models and precise methods of synthesis of single-circuit tracking systems have been developed, allowing for the construction of the structure taking into account the control and disturbing influences. It is established that in a tracking system with a proportional position controller, the optimal transition process can be provided only by the control action, and in a system with a PI-position controller – by both effects.
The obtained method of synthesis of tracking systems can be used in the design of highly dynamic single-circuit tracking electric drives by industrial and design enterprises.
The presented method of synthesis of tracking electric drives, taking into account two influences, should be developed in the future for three-circuit and other tracking systems.
Conclusions. A tracking system with a PI-position controller allows for an optimal transition process through both control channels. The virtual device and the simulation model of the tracking system make it possible to significantly simplify and speed up the design process of tracking systems and avoid making erroneous decisions.
Information about the author
Grigory P. Okhotkin – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Radioelectronics and Automatics, Head of Department of Automation and Management in Technical Systems, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:
For citations
Okhotkin G.P. DEVELOPMENT OF A DIRECT METHOD FOR THE SYNTHESIS AND EVALUATION OF THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF A TRACKING ELECTRIC DRIVE. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2024, no. 2, pp. 116–129. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-2-116-129 (in Russian).