DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-2-130-140
УДК 621.316.658.58
ББК 39.462
Aleksandr V. SAUSHEV, Anatoly M. SMOLENKOV, Nikolay V. SHIROKOV
Key words
marine electric power system, load, generator set, warning control, reverse power, primary engine, protection
The paper presents the results of a study of the functioning of the ship’s electrical power system in an emergency situation caused by the transition of one of the generating sets to propulsion mode. It has been shown that existing means of protection against reverse power are not effective in cases of an uncontrolled increase in fuel supply to the prime mover of one of the operating generating sets and cannot prevent an interruption in the power supply to consumers of the first category. In this regard, the task was formulated to develop methods and means to ensure a trouble-free transition to a state of proper functioning of the ship’s electrical power system, preventing the operation of serviceable generators in propulsion mode.
The purpose of the work is to develop a method for generating a control effect on a ship’s electrical power system, which includes three or more generating units, to ensure its trouble-free operation in a state of uncontrolled increase in fuel supply to the diesel engine of one of the units.
Methods and materials. To achieve the research goal, a functional-logical approach and a method of predictive management of the ship’s electrical power system were used.
Research results. A new diagnostic sign of the inoperative state of the ship’s electrical power system is proposed, according to which the system is recognized as inoperative at the moment when the load of only one of the operating units increases, and the difference in the loads of the generators has exceeded the permissible value and continues to increase. An original method has been developed for the preventive protection of the ship’s electrical power system, ensuring a trouble-free transition to a state of proper operation in the event of an uncontrolled increase in the fuel supply to the diesel engine of one of the units. According to the proposed approach, the inoperative state of the system, which includes more than two generating units, is identified, preventive unloading of the network is carried out, the unit whose load is increasing is determined, and a command is given to open its circuit breaker. A functional diagram of a device that implements the developed method of preventive protection is presented.
Conclusions. The proposed approach makes it possible to timely identify and turn off an inoperative generating set in the event of an unauthorized increase in the fuel supply to the diesel engine. In this case, a transition to the motor mode and shutdown of operable units is not allowed, and a break in the power supply to consumers of electricity of the first category is excluded.
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Information about the authors
Aleksandr V. Saushev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Electric Drive and Electrical Equipment Shore Installations, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Russia, St. Petersburg (
Anatoly M. Smolenkov – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Weapons of the Navy, The Military Education and Scientific Centre of the Navy «The Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov», Russia, St. Petersburg (
Nikolay V. Shirokov – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Electric Drive and Electrical Equipment of Coastal Installations, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Russia, St. Petersburg (
For citations
Saushev A.V., Smolenkov A.M., Shirokov N.V. PREVENTIVE PROTECTION OF THE SHIP’S ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM FROM THE OPERATION OF GENERATOR SETS IN THE PROPULSION MODE. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2024, no. 2, pp. 130–140. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2024-2-130-140 (in Russian).
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