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Alexey N. Rukhlin

DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-126-138

Key words

“Simbirsk diocesan Bulletin”, “Samara Eparchial Bulletin”, the First world war, the Russian Orthodox Church.


The article examines the publishing activities of the provincial journals “Simbirsk Eparchial Bulletin and “Samara Eparchial Bulletin” during the world war of 1914–1917. In their periodicals, Church editors and journalists tried to support the sense of patriotism in the society and to justify Russia’s role and mission in the war against the “Teutonic hordes”. Also by 1916, social problems and ideological decline of the Russian monarchy are traced the journals. The author has implemented a detailed scientific analysis of previously formed knowledge and scientific approach in order to identify knowledge about the editorial and publishing policy of the Russian Orthodox Church during the war. In his scientific research, the author was guided by the historical method or, as it is formulated in another way, the principle of historicism. When conducting this research, the author relied primarily on special historical and general historical methods. The reliability of the research is conditioned by the use of real archival periodicals published in 1914–1917. The article is highly topical because using specific examples the author shows the information capabilities of the Church periodical press in war conditions.


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 Information about the author

Alexey N. Rukhlin – Post-Graduate Student, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University; Teacher, Ulyanovsk Social and Pedagogical College, Russia, Ulyanovsk (Ruhlenko15@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9874-2461).

For citations

Rukhlin A.N. WORLD WAR I AND ITS REFLECTION IN SIMBIRSK AND SAMARA EPARCHIAL JOURNALS OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH. Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2020, no. 4, pp. 126–138. DOI: 10.47026/1810-1909-2020-4-126-138 (in Russian).

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